Xenz World Class Restaurant


Experience the flavours of delicacies all around the world. Bring your family, friends and enjoy the cultural dishes from east to west coast. Create memories that will last forever, and stomachs that will be forever grateful. The menus are pre-designed. The styles are our own creations. And this place is a great haven to get a taste of what Web Development is all about.

Figuring out how to center this specific description is an obstacle. Been working on this notion for quite some time now. Looks like I'll have to come back to this after and keep it spanning from margin to margin. I've tried quite a bit of things. I've tried div class justified within a center, but that didn't work. Tried to use some bootstrap qualities. No bueno. Well, I'll move on to the next task and come back to this. But with the inspiration of the whole world underneath your nose ... There will always be a dish that will satisfy that craving!

The key was in the style property, margin attribute.

Update: Containers are also pretty neat!

Come one, come all. Come every day!